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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the published price include transportation? arrow

No, the published price does not include transportation. All prices quoted are ex-works. Transportation can be either handled by the buyer independently or the buyer can request a quotation for door-to-door transportation including insurance, packing and customs.

How can I make a bid for a product? arrow

Once you have found your desired product, you can make an offer through the product listing. Once a bid has been made, the CIRKLA specialist team will review it and either accept or reject the offer. Please note, when making your bid, the cost does not include transportation or surveyor costs: these additional services are optional and charged at sight.

Do you recommend the Surveyor service? arrow

Yes, we strongly recommend it. A certified independent surveyor will indicate that the product shipped is according to the specifications provided and that it is properly packed. A report will be generated and shared with the buyer. It is important to ensure that the goods purchased are according to the specifications, and any maintenance costs are known before the product has been delivered.

When will I see my product published on CIRKLA’s website? arrow

All second-hand products are manually validated by the CIRKLA specialist team; this process can take up to 24 labor hours.

What kind of warranty do the advertised products have? arrow

Warranty may vary from product to product. If you are unsure as to the warranty status of one of your desired products, please contact the CIRKLA team directly.

Despite most equipment being in good operational condition, not all products may have a manufacturers’ warranty. If warranty is a necessity for the buyer, it can be enquired about before making a bid. CIRKLA treats each enquiry on a case to case basis.

Are the purchased products subject to returns? arrow

The return of the purchased products depends on each seller and may vary case by case. If the seller accepts returns, you can proceed with your return by checking the information provided on the product page and liaising with the CIRKLA team.

Is it possible to view the product at the seller’s location before making a purchase? arrow

Yes, you can check the product at the seller’s location. Viewings will be coordinated by the CIRKLA team. However, in order to save you time and money, we can organize a live broadcast (via online video call) to check on the product state.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address:, and we will support you as soon as possible.